Friday, August 5, 2011

Day Fourteen - learning day

Started today with computers and science for the kids and then we did a lesson the Race Around the School (RATS) feedback.

So I had the kids tells me two things:
  1. What did they like about RATS
  2. What would they improve
We came up with a great Mindmap of ideas that I will incorporate into Episode 2 due to run next Thursday.

I also got them to make posters to represent their teams and we have put them up on the classroom walls.

The feedback from the kids and teachers that help supervise RATS has been great and I am now preparing a report for the school to see if we can extend it as a regular program for teachers at least in Primary school if not above.

I presented the winners with a trophy that they could put their names on and I also gave out a "best team" trophy. These are just old trophy's of mine ( I knew they would eventually come in handy Dad! It has just taken 30 years!).

The kids loved it with only one kid not enjoying it. I had a talk to him and we have agreed that he needs to "try" as he is going into many things as negative. Mrs C. was listening into the conversation I had with him and liked it. I have started building Episode 2 and also automating the material so that teachers can just input the questions, the area where they will go (eg. Gym, Hall etc) and then hit print.

Sad to see another week go by ... I asked the kids if they wanted to come in on Saturday and Sunday to learn, they said "no!" ... I do not understand.

I also ran the spelling test and the new spelling words lesson in the morning and afternoon. Easier words this week ... 'kaleidoscope' was doing my head in last week.

Lastly, we got to the 'Goal setting' lesson that Mrs C. has been wanting to run before I came for Prac. I got the chance to talk about Tim Levy's 'The Life Summit' book that is fantastic for goal setting - the kids loved how Tim is overseas doing his passion after achieving many of his goals - the book is a great read too (and yes, Tim is my cousin and yes, it is a great read!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day Thirteen - Race Around the School

Yep, I know, I missed a day, yesterday's post should have been Days 11 and 12 and I missed Monday but anyway ... the show goes on ...

Today was Race Around The School (RATS) day a program that I have built based on the Amazing Race TV show where the kids walk around the school going to different areas (countries) and complete tasks (revision from previous week). They answer 5 questions and it takes about 30 minutes to complete. We then debrief (what went well, what could be improved, how did your teams go).

Learnings: putting kids into team is problematic - one kid did not get the role he wanted and so went off and cried. I spoke to the child (asked him what his first and second preference was for a role) and his team ... then he wanted to talk to Mrs C. Mrs C. said no, they had to work it out themselves. I like this. In fact, at the end of the game the kid was so happy with how it went and his second choice of role was great for him. So my learning, no need to solve the whole problem for the kids (unless really young), they will generally work it out.

Outcome: RATS was great, the kids loved it, and it has given us lots to talk about - the fastest team around the course was not the top overall team, the team that got all of the answers right did not come first. In fact, the best team was third to finish the game and was consistent in the questions (but not the top scorer). Second place went to the team that came back last into the room but was also consistent in the questions. Team dynamic was very interesting with one team coming back and realising that they had not answered a question and so they went back and answered it (costing them finishing places). They took charge and agreed they had to finish the game. Great stuff.

I taught maths in the morning - we are starting to get into Algebra and did a fun game call "Petals around the rose" - two of the kids worked it out. It took me just under 10 minutes to get it - not easy. We went on to do some visual stuff like the "Function Machine" and "Number Cruncher".

Learning: Today I have had the kids firing answers and questions at me at an increasing rate. Mrs C. suggested that I could set the expectation up front - 'we are going to review RATS and I would us to respond with hands up to give me suggestions'. Or, 'today we are going to review RATS, and I would like you to all talk to me at once in a whisper on your ideas' (get it out of your head) 'and now tell me with hands up'.

The head of Primary is very interested in using RATS in other classes and Stages - so hopefully tomorrow I can see what he thought and what feedback he got from other teachers and staff (as some were watching the game as it went on).

So, a great day, good fun, kids got a lot out of it ... tomorrow is feedback day to see if I can do 'Episode 2' next week (my last week).

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day Ten and Eleven - how to deal with issues

So the past two days have been interesting and this time is still going way too fast ...

One of the kids comes in and says there is a rumour going around and that kids are crying about it. (I am not going to mention what it was about as I am not sure it really matters).

Turns out most of the class is talking about this and the noise level is beyond a 5 year old's singing - ie. too much to handle.

Learning: Mrs C. asks the kids to write down what they saw happened on a piece of paper in their own words. no talking to your mates, just your view. She then tells them she will review what they have written and come back to them. So, like any good investigator (I assume) the story comes together with different views of what happened, who did what and when. The kids get it all off their chests and feel better and we now have the story straight - enough to talk to a few kids and get the facts. Also, the kids are asked that if they are going to discuss this at home that they need to make their parents aware that the teachers are dealing with it. We will see how it goes tomorrow as it may need a note home if it does not settle but I expect it will.

Apart from that I have finalised the Race Around the School (RATS) program and spoken to all that need to know - PE dept, Art dept, Library, other teachers .... an email has been sent this afternoon to all involved as we will run Episode 1 tomorrow. Here's crossing fingers ...