So the past two days have been interesting and this time is still going way too fast ...
One of the kids comes in and says there is a rumour going around and that kids are crying about it. (I am not going to mention what it was about as I am not sure it really matters).
Turns out most of the class is talking about this and the noise level is beyond a 5 year old's singing - ie. too much to handle.
Learning: Mrs C. asks the kids to write down what they saw happened on a piece of paper in their own words. no talking to your mates, just your view. She then tells them she will review what they have written and come back to them. So, like any good investigator (I assume) the story comes together with different views of what happened, who did what and when. The kids get it all off their chests and feel better and we now have the story straight - enough to talk to a few kids and get the facts. Also, the kids are asked that if they are going to discuss this at home that they need to make their parents aware that the teachers are dealing with it. We will see how it goes tomorrow as it may need a note home if it does not settle but I expect it will.
Apart from that I have finalised the Race Around the School (RATS) program and spoken to all that need to know - PE dept, Art dept, Library, other teachers .... an email has been sent this afternoon to all involved as we will run Episode 1 tomorrow. Here's crossing fingers ...
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