So Day One was built on adrenaline and Day 2 was wet (very wet) and I am exhausted. Nanna nap was needed when I came home!
Morning was maths and english (each morning is compulsory to do that). We did Graphs (bar, pie, line) and spoken about how you can use them most effectively and got the kids to label a blank graph and write questions they could ask of their graph. Then their neighbour got to answer the questions to see if they worked. I got a chance to give some examples to the kids of how I would use these graphs and we spoke about (and showed them) how graphs can be used to mislead. Lovely how my head teacher (I will call her Mrs C) invites me to participate.
Before lunch we took the kids up to the library and asked them to pick a person's biography to do some research on. This is part of a major topic on biographies and autobiographies. Librarian presented on how to use Encyclopedia Brittanica (yep, still used in softcopy form). Then each kid was asked to find a book with a biography that they wanted to do. I helped them find this ... some were distracted and found the task hard and I found the trick was to find them in the library to help them out. Lots of fun and they found a biography of a person that they liked.
Did I mention it was raining today and it was sport day?!
So what do you do with 20 kids when you cannot go to the oval - oh well, make up a lesson, of course! Mrs C continued with the play that we had done the day before and the kids practised that.
3:10pm could not come faster ... oh, another thing, these teachers use their lunch break like a running pit stop - in, lunch, out, back to class - they do not stop ... might try to work on grabbing one of them each day to talk about their experience and thoughts for a new teacher ...
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